The natural rights of children
Gianfranco Zavalloni (1957-2012) was a primary school teacher for 16 years, then a school director in Sogliano al Rubicone (Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy), and from 2008 to 2012 head of the School Office of the Italian Consulate in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. "Working first as a teacher and then as a school director, I realized that almost all the boys and girls in Europe or in rich families in the South of the World have recognized the rights established by the International Charter of Children's Rights (education, health, game...) - explains Zavalloni - but they are almost denied what I define as "natural rights".
This manifesto is aimed at adults, also because children understand it quickly. A bit like the Little Prince said " must always explain to adults everything that children understand immediately".