Feel Safe wins the European Fire Safety Award 2023
The European Fire Safety Award 2023 has been awarded to Save the Children Italy with the "Feel Safe" project.
The European Fire Safety Award 2023 has been awarded to Save the Children Italy with the "Feel Safe" project.
The Norwegian Fire Brigade's most important tool for meeting children in nursery and primary school
How to prevent the spread of disease due to improperly stored food and water during an emergency
Educate on the management of sanitation services in emergencies
A manifesto for children, but also for the young boy and young girl in each of us
The Nature Deficit, or the distancing of new generations from natural elements, is increasingly evident and the WWF is launching an awareness campaign for the little ones
The first spontaneous expression of Civil Protection in Italy was born from the need to assist and rescue the population in emergency situations
The United Nations (UN) was founded with the aim of preserving collective peace and security through international cooperation
Use advances in technology, information and communication to offer citizens the best possible help in case of emergency
A day with INGV experts to spread knowledge of volcanoes and raise awareness on the topic of seismic prevention
The University of South Australia studied how an immersive virtual reality experience can help children make decisions during an emergency
From pollution to solution
To invest in people, we need to give priority to education
A commemorative museum dedicated to earthquake prevention
Since ancient times, our ancestors have tried to explain unexplainable natural phenomena, and to exorcise the fear of new catastrophes, through the use of myths and legends.
The 'BFireSafe@School' project is an innovative strategic partnership school project funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
The Paderborn Fire Fighters use hand puppets for their digital fire safety education via YouTube videos!
Napo is the protagonist of a series of cartoons introducing topics related to occupational health and safety and risk prevention in a humorous way.
Earthquakes, landslides, natural disasters of all kinds. How can cultural heritage be protected against risks of natural origin?
The Family Emergency Communication Plan serves to make you self-sufficient for at least 24 to 48 hours during an emergency situation, planning the role and tasks that each family memb