The European Civil Protection Mechanism
The teacher begins the activity by asking the class if they are familiar with Civil Protection and its functions. After a brief discussion, the teacher explains that Civil Protection involves preventive measures aimed at reducing the impact of future emergencies or disasters, as well as assistance provided to populations in need after a natural or man-made disaster.
The teacher then introduces the definition of Civil Protection:
It is the protection of people, the environment, and property against all types of natural and human-induced disasters. This includes the deployment of resources and personnel in response to emergencies, as well as planning and preparation efforts such as risk assessments and the development of protection and rescue plans.
Each country has its own Civil Protection system, which activates in response to catastrophic events. However, the impact of a disaster can often exceed a country's capacity to respond. Therefore, in 2001, the European Commission established the European Civil Protection Mechanism, a coordinated system that serves as a reference for any state (both European and non-European) seeking emergency support. The European Civil Protection Mechanism not only responds to emergencies but also collaborates with national civil protection systems on prevention and preparedness activities. More detailed information on the history of the European Civil Protection Mechanism can be found on the European Commission website (link).
The European Civil Protection Set of competences and activities aimed at protecting life, physical integrity, property, settlements, animals and the environment from damage or the danger of damage resulting from calamitous events of both natural and man-made origin. Mechanism includes a European Civil Protection Pool, which is a voluntary collection of resources pre-committed by member states for immediate deployment within or outside the European Union. At this point, the teacher explains the types of resources included in the European Civil Protection Pool. The complete list is available on the European Commission website (link).
- Marine Pollution Response
- CBRN Decontamination
- Emergency Medical Teams
- Communication Platforms
- Water Search and Rescue
- Technical Assistance and Support Teams
- Aerial Forest Firefighting
- Ground Forest Firefighting
- Search and Rescue Operations
- Shelter Capacity
- Structural Assessment Capacity
The teacher divides the class into pairs or groups of three and distributes cards to each group, placing them face down. When the teacher signals to start, each pair will have a set time (e.g., 5 minutes) to correctly match each actor with their corresponding resource. The pair or group that makes the most correct associations wins. The teacher can use the Playing Cards (see attached "The European Civil Protection Mechanism - Playing Cards" below).
The teacher then displays specific cards and asks the class to identify what the two cards symbolize and why they are included in the resources of the European Civil Protection Pool (and Mechanism).

After a brief discussion, the teacher reveals that every citizen, through their responsible behavior, is a fundamental component of Civil Protection Set of competences and activities aimed at protecting life, physical integrity, property, settlements, animals and the environment from damage or the danger of damage resulting from calamitous events of both natural and man-made origin. .
Considering the phases of the risk The possibility that a phenomenon may cause harm to people, settlements and the environment in a given period of time and in a given area management cycle (definitions can be found in the glossary), each pair or group is tasked with listing positive behaviors that individuals can practice in their daily lives as Civil Protection actors. These behaviors are then shared with the whole class.
Achieving effective disaster preparedness is one of the primary goals of the EU Civil Protection Set of competences and activities aimed at protecting life, physical integrity, property, settlements, animals and the environment from damage or the danger of damage resulting from calamitous events of both natural and man-made origin. Mechanism, and young people can play a pivotal role in this effort. They are not only active citizens today but also the driving force behind building tomorrow's society. With the teacher's guidance, the class can reflect on the concept of participation starting in school and explore how education can help young people become responsible citizens.
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