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- Define communication strategies to talk about emergencies when addressing peers
Before starting
Nowadays, one cannot talk about communication without referring to the Internet, although there are also other useful tools for communication, e.g. television, radio and newspapers.
The teacher then asks the class to share what tool they use when they need to find information on the following topics:
- What is happening in the world
- The release of a new film
- The weather forecast in your municipality
- An alert in your municipality
- In case of an emergency, what should you do
Communication in the risk management cycle
Information plays a decisive role during emergencies and, more generally, during all phases of the risk The possibility that a phenomenon may cause harm to people, settlements and the environment in a given period of time and in a given area management cycle because proper communication can make all the difference. Communication campaigns are very useful for this purpose because they provide information that is easy to understand in familiar contexts, with the aim of making people aware of a particular topic.
The teacher shows the class the following communication campaigns and for each video asks the following questions:
- What topic does the awareness-raising campaign you have just seen deal with?
- To whom is it addressed?
- What effect did it have on you?
- Did you feel involved?
Our Climate, Our Future - WWF
How private is your personal information? - Action Fraud
Second Chance - US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
EU Civil Protection Mechanism explained - EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid
Now it's your turn!
The teacher divides the class into groups and gives the following instruction:
Imagine a communication campaign to make your peers aware of an issue you feel particularly close to.
For the development of the communication campaign, each group can follow these suggested steps:
- Find a topic
- Imagine where to realise it (internet, radio, TV, social networks...)
- Imagine a title
- Write the message
Once the campaigns have been created, each group shares them in class.
Concluding thoughts
Can we make a difference with our communication campaign? The class can propose to the school to choose one of the proposed campaigns and develop it into an actual communication campaign for the institute.
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