When viral goes wrong
- Get to know the potential and risks of mobile phone use during emergencies
- Stimulate problem solving
Before starting
The teacher introduces the definition of virality Very rapid dissemination of text, audio, video and image content via social media from the glossary:
Virality: very rapid dissemination of text, audio, video and image content via social media A freely accessible online platform that allows people to create, share and exchange ideas and text, image, audio and video content quickly on message boards read by people who follow the updates .
Il rischio di diventare virali
The teacher shows this video to the class:
After watching it, the teacher asks the class to reflect on what positive and negative consequences the post has had for:
- the person who spread the image
- the subject portrayed in the image
- for the community
At this point, the teacher explains that any content disseminated on the internet can suddenly go viral, even if this content may portray emergency situations and therefore may potentially increase the negative effects already in place.
Virality in emergency contexts
The class is now divided into groups and the teacher shows images related to the specific situations. The teacher can use the available Pictures (see attached "When viral goes wrong - Pictures" below), enrich, add or substitute them as they please.
For each image asks each group to answer the following questions
- Do you think it is right or wrong to take a picture?
- In what way can you be in the way of help?
- What risks do you run by staying there?
- How can you be helpful using your mobile phone?
Concluding thoughts
The class can reflect on the correct use of smartphones in times of emergency and how this tool can either be a fundamental resource or generate harm a risk The possibility that a phenomenon may cause harm to people, settlements and the environment in a given period of time and in a given area for us and others if used to post sensitive content on social networks.
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